
Showing posts with the label betta

Ideal Betta Tank

Though betta fish do best in a pH range between 65-75 stability is more important than correct numbers. Click here to see the current price more photos on Amazon. Betta Fish Tank Setup Online Shopping Their buildup however usually occur along with other water quality problems. Ideal betta tank . Betta tanks should have nitrate levels of 10 20 ppm. If you want your betta to be happy they would have at least a 5 gallon tank with a filter and working nitrogen cycle. The ideal temperature to maintain the health of your Betta fish is 80 F. The ideal KH range for betta is 3-5 dKH 536- 894 ppm Other Water Parameters To Check Regularly Salinity. That means they cant live in saltwater. However intensive lighting can promote the growth of algae to avoid this try using luminescent or LED lamps. A filter and heater are essential for your Betta tank too. Its sufficient to illuminate the tank in the dark and make a natural atmosphere for your betta fish. Its a straightforward a