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How To Make Siri Speak Text

After you have selected the Speak Text action tap on the Text part adjacent to Speak and type the desired text that you want Siri to say when you plug in your iPhone. Tab the Next prompt and then the Done prompt. 3 Ways To Let Siri Do Text To Speech This will highlight the word you tapped on. How to make siri speak text . Heres A Simple Guide Open the Shortcuts app on the iPhone Find the navigation bar and access the Automation tab at the middle of the bottom screen Tap on the Create Personal Automation option. First youll want to open the TikTok app and either film or upload a video to the platform. Then pair your compatible earbuds again. How to Make Siri Speak Selected Text on Your iPhone 4S. Follow the prompts to pair your earbuds. Press the home button for a while to activate Siri and give the command Speak Screen or simply swipe down with two fingers from the top of the screen. I found Dragon Dictation to be the worst and found that the best results came fro