
Showing posts with the label neutrality

Is Net Neutrality Gone

Net neutrality advocates have long argued that keeping the internet an open playing field is crucial for innovation. According to Farber When traffic surges beyond the ability of the network to carry it something is going to be delayed. One Frightening Chart Shows What You Might Pay For Internet Once Net Neutrality Is Gone Huffpost The Federal Communications Commission FCC passed Net Neutrality in 2015 which regulated the Internet under Title II of the 1934 Communications Act. Is net neutrality gone . Feel the freedom coursing through your veins. Customers would flee from the first ISP and flock to the second. Net neutrality was a. In response seven states and Puerto Rico enacted their own net neutrality policies. Day 1 of a Worse Internet. After an intense marketing and lobbying. Because net neutrality regulations prevent a discrimination of traffic networks would have to treat critical traffic equally with non-critical traffic. Net neutrality rules would prevent