
Showing posts with the label implicit

Implicit Bias Training Exercises

UnconsciousImplicit Bias Exercise. In addition to the IAT test there are a number of other activities grounded in social psychological theory that can be incorporated into unconscious bias training without triggering resistance or backlash. Unconscious Bias Training Materials Fully Customizable And Editable As he drove along the mountain road suddenly with no warning an Alfa Romeo sports car appeared coming straight at them in the opposite direction. Implicit bias training exercises . 9 Unconscious Bias Training Best Practices 1. These hidden biases are different from beliefs and attitudes that individuals are aware they hold but choose to conceal for the purposes of complying with social or legal norms. 01142019 Implicit Bias Training for Strategic Partnership Program SPP sponsored by Clark Construction. One example is Tag Game adapted from Fowler 2006. After working through this module you will be able to. PAST TRAININGS We initially list implicit bias trainings by EJS b